mj-go-test.com      home page

Sort the following table by toggling any table header. If thers is any sort problem, refresh this page.

Topic No Topic Updated Date state
01 jQuery mobile 2017/01/23 ready
02 accessing php with mysql data 2017/01/27 ready
03 php, nodejs 2017/02/02 ready
04 JSON and REST 2017/01/29 ready
05 php rest get, web client 2017/02/02 ready
06 Present html content in client, php, nodejs 2017/02/09 ready
07 nodejs 2017/12/10 ready
08 android 2017/03/04 ready
09 swift 2017/03/29 ready
10 Xcode, iOS 2017/06/21 ready
11 Mongodb with nodejs 2017/09/07 ready
12 express(nodejs revisit) 2017/08/26 ready
13 javascript and nodejs misc topics - function assignment, exports, require 2017/09/07 ready
14 nodejs security 2017/09/30 ready
15 git and github 2017/10/08 ready
16 bootstrap 2017/11/19 ready
17 AngularJS 2017/12/02 ready
18 ECMAJavascript 6 2018/02/06 ready
19 Reactjs 2018/02/17 ready
20 webpack 2018/01/16 ready
21 building restful web APIs with nodejs express, mongoose 2018/04/01 ready
22 create a template for reactjs with webpack 2018/04/11 ready
23 Reactjs - passing data from child to parent 2018/04/24 ready
24 Xcode 9, iOS11, Swift 2018/08/19 ready
25 RStudio and R 2018/11/21 ready
26 R descriptive statistics, predict, shiny 2018/10/11 ready
27 R - markdown, Package shiny 2018/10/22 ready
28 More R - data structure and plots, function, R files, debug 2018/11/21 ready
29 Python and its Developing Approaches 2018/12/18 ready
30 Python language and its package Pandas for Data Analysis 2018/12/07 ready
31 Python - Plotting 2018/12/24 ready
32 Python Package - pandas 2019/01/28 ready
33 Public Data - pandas 2019/02/08 ready
34 Python Package - Seaborn 2019/03/11 ready
35 My Study on Seaborn Example Gallery 2019/04/04 ready
36 My Study on Django 2020/08/01 ready
37 Django structure, Security, ... 2020/09/02 ready
38 Python for MySql, Mongodb, Sqlite 2020/12/13 ready
39 Python 2021/02/04 ready
40 Git 2021/10/01 ready
41 GitHub and Personal Access tokens 2021/10/08 ready

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