32.    Python Package - pandas

January 28, 2019


01. Streamline Data Analysis using DataFrame in package pandas


02. database content to DATA FRAME directly

        print('----------   mysql3.py --------')
        import pandas as pd
        import mysql.connector

        mydb = mysql.connector.connect(

        df = pd.read_sql("SELECT * FROM dogs", con=mydb)


          dog_name dog_color
        0    Tairo     brown
        1      Emi     white
        2      Joy     black
        3    Lucky    yellow

        print('---------- end    test 5 --------')

03. creating dataframes for reporting

        print('-------  dataframe ==> csv file  for reporting ---')

        print('--- 1. prepare a dataframe -------')
        import pandas as pd

        df =pd.DataFrame({                       # python dictionary
            'name': ['Happy', 'Lucky', 'Wiwi'],  # key-value pairs
            'weight' : [35.50, 65.33, 42.50],
            'length' : [2.5,  4.3,  3.2],
            'color': ['brown', 'white', 'black']
        # The values for color are not measurable,
        # The statistical data will not be generated for it.

        print('--- 2. create a report -------')
        info = df.describe()
        print('type of info = ' + str(type(info)))   # dataframe
                  weight    length
        count   3.000000  3.000000
        mean   47.776667  3.333333
        std    15.599347  0.907377
        min    35.500000  2.500000
        25%    39.000000  2.850000
        50%    42.500000  3.200000
        75%    53.915000  3.750000
        max    65.330000  4.300000

        note-1: The index are created using method describe.
        note-2: Method describe is defined in a standard way.

        print('--- 3. save the df to csv file ----')
        info.to_csv('dogs.csv', header = True, index = True)
        #the file will be in the parent of the current folder for my mac.

        print('---------  end of test  ---------')


04. Storing python objects

        import pickle        # built-in module

        print('--- 1.  pickle     write  ------------')

        my_dict = {1: 'Lucky', 2: 'Happy', 3: 'Joy'}
        pickle_out = open('my_dict.pickle', 'wb')   #write output file, byte                        
        pickle.dump(my_dict, pickle_out)            #from, to

        print('--- 2.  pickle     read  ------------')
        pickle_in = open('my_dict.pickle', 'rb') 
        dict2 = pickle.load(pickle_in)
        print(dict2)   #{1: 'Lucky', 2: 'Happy', 3: 'Joy'}
        print('type of dict2 = ' + str(type(dict2)))   #dict

        print('---      end     test  -----')

05. Creating DataFrames from CSV files

06. Numpy, Series

        print('--- 1, create df  from a python dictionary ----')
        import pandas as pd
        dogs = {
                  'name':  ['Lucky', 'Happy', 'Joy'],        # column names
                  'age':   [8, 6, 3],                        # column 1
                  'weight':[41.5, 32.7, 64.4],               # column 2
        df = pd.DataFrame(dogs)

        c01 = df['age'][1]
        print('c01 = ' + str(c01))               # 6
        print('c01 type is ' + str(type(c01)))   # class 'numpy.int64'

        c11 = df['weight'][1]                    
        print(c11)                               # 32.7
        print('c11 type is ' + str(type(c11)))   # class 'numpy.float64'
        import numpy as np
        import pandas as pd

        data = np.array([['', 'Col1', 'Col2','name'],        #python lists
                         [0, '11npa','12npa', 'A'],          #python lists
                         [1, '21npa','22npa', 'B']])         #python lists

        df = pd.DataFrame(data = data[1:,1:],
                          columns= data[0,1:])

        print('df.index = ' + str(df.index))
        print('df.columns = ' +str(df.columns))
        print('df.values = ' + str(df.values))
        # continue to use the dataframe for dogs data
        print('--- 2. get a column ---------------')
        c1 = df['weight']
        print(' c1 = ' + str(c1))
        print('c1 type = ' + str(type(c1)))  # pandas.core.series.Series
        0    41.5
        1    32.7
        2    64.4
        print('--- 3. get a row ---------------')
        r1 = df.iloc[1]
        print(' r1 type ' + str(type(r1)))   # pandas.core.series.Series
        '''   note: column names are on the left
        name      Happy
        age           6
        weight     32.7
        import pandas as pd
        c1 = pd.Series([22,55,33])     #  Series for one column values
        c2 = pd.Series([99,77,11])     #  Series for one column values
        print('c1 type is ' + str(type(c1))) # class pandas.core.series.Series

        dict = {'col1': c1,'col2': c2}  # two column names
        print('dict type is ' + str(type(dict)))    #class 'dict'

        df = pd.DataFrame(dict) # class dataframe

07. DataFrame.loc for both rows and columns

08.Columns first or Rows first

08.1 Columns First

        print('------- dataframe column test , Jan 16, 2019 -----')
        import pandas as pd

        print('--- 1. create df ----')
        import pandas as pd

        dogs = {
                  'name':  ['Lucky', 'Happy', 'Joy'],        
                  'age':   [8, 6, 3],                        
                  'weight':[41.5, 32.7, 64.4],              
        df = pd.DataFrame(dogs)
            name  age  weight
        0  Lucky    8    41.5
        1  Happy    6    32.7
        2    Joy    3    64.4

        print('--- 2.  rearrange columns ----')
        cols2 = ['age', 'weight', 'name']          #python list
        df2 = df[cols2]

        print('--- 3.  drop a column -------')
        df3 = df.drop('weight', 1)  # axis number, 1 for column

        print('--- 4. add a column ---------')
        dogs_color = ['white', 'brown', 'black']    #python list, no need for Series
        df['color'] = dogs_color                    # color is the new column name

        print('--- 5. sort ---------')
        df5 = df.sort_values(by=['age'])             # no need from index for row

        print('--- 6. access  one column ---------------------')
        column_weight = df['weight']
        print('column weight = ' + str(column_weight))
        0    41.5
        1    32.7
        2    64.4

        print('--- 7. access a cell --------------------------')
        weight4Joy = df['weight'][2]                # index is not set for row
        print('weight4Joy = ' + str(weight4Joy))    #64.4

        1. There are TWO ways to access a cell in a dataframe.
        2. This is one way to get all the column first. Then select a row.


        print('---------- end of test 5 ------------------------')

08.2 Rows FIRST

        import pandas as pd
        import pandas as pd
        dogs = {
                  'name':  ['Lucky', 'Happy', 'Joy'],        
                  'age':   [8, 6, 3],                        
                  'weight':[41.5, 32.7, 64.4],              
        df = pd.DataFrame(dogs)
        print(df.index)   #RangeIndex(start=0, stop=3, step=1)
            name  age  weight
        0  Lucky    8    41.5
        1  Happy    6    32.7
        2    Joy    3    64.4
        d1 = df.iloc[1]                         # 1 row
        print('d1 = ' + str(d1))
        print('d1 type is ' + str(type(d1)))    #class 'pandas.core.series.Series'
        name      Happy
        age           6
        weight     32.7
        d01 = df.iloc[0:2]                       # 0, 1 rows, row 2 is excluded.
        print('d01 = ' + str(d01))
        print('d01 type is ' + str(type(d01)))   #dataframe 

        d01 =     name  age  weight
        0  Lucky    8    41.5
        1  Happy    6    32.7
        import pandas as pd
        dogs = {
                  'name':  ['Lucky', 'Happy', 'Joy'],        
                  'age':   [8, 6, 3],                        
                  'weight':[41.5, 32.7, 64.4],              
        df = pd.DataFrame(dogs)
        df.set_index('name', inplace=True)
        df.sort_values(by='name', ascending=True, inplace=True)

               age  weight
        Happy    6    32.7
        Joy      3    64.4
        Lucky    8    41.5

        d1 = df.loc['Joy']                       # 1 row
        print('d1 = ' + str(d1))
        print('d1 type is ' + str(type(d1)))     # Series
         age        3.0
         weight    64.4
         Name: Joy, dtype: float64

        d01 = df.loc['Happy':'Joy']                 # 0, 1 rows, row 1 is included.
        print('d01 = ' + str(d01))
        print('d01 type is ' + str(type(d01)))      # dataframe
                age  weight
        Happy    6    32.7
        Joy      3    64.4
    Joy_weight = df.loc['Joy']['weight']
    print('Joy_weight = ' + str(Joy_weight))  # 64.5                

09. Multilevel indices and grouping

        # --- 1. prepare a csv file  ----
        Joy, 1, 45.9
        Happy, 3, 12.3
        Happy, 1, 11.1
        Joy, 3, 42.2
        Happy, 2, 10.5
        Joy, 2, 43.1

        #  ---2. create a df, sort
        import pandas as pd
        import pandas as pd
        df = pd.read_csv('dogs_weight.csv') 
        df2 = df.sort_values(by=['name','month'])
            name  month  weight
        2  Happy      1    11.1
        4  Happy      2    10.5
        1  Happy      3    12.3
        0    Joy      1    45.9
        5    Joy      2    43.1
        3    Joy      3    42.2

        #----  3. create mutilevel indices
        df3 = df2.set_index(['name', 'month'])
        name  month
        Happy 1        11.1
              2        10.5
              3        12.3
        Joy   1        45.9
              2        43.1
              3        42.2
        #---  4. grouping -------------------------
        df4 = df3.groupby('name') 
        s_report = df4.mean()   

        '''    weight
        Happy   11.30
        Joy     43.73

        #---  5. having the 2nd index to be a column
        df5 =df3.unstack()
           month     1     2     3
           Happy   11.1  10.5  12.3
           Joy     45.9  43.1  42.2  

10. pivoting-drill down

        -------------  csv   data  ------------------------
        Michael,Amber,1,lunch,310.00             note: one data for Muchael is not there
        Carey,Amber,2,dinner,     215.00          note: space is ok

        ----------------    code -----------------------------------
        print('------ pivot table, drilldown  -----')
        import pandas as pd

        print('--- 1. prepare df --------')
        df = pd.read_csv('tips.csv')
            name   store  day    time    tip
        0    Joe  Pandas    1   lunch  250.5
        1    Joe  Pandas    1  dinner  420.5
        2    Joe  Pandas    2   lunch  110.5
        3    Joe  Pandas    2  dinner  120.5
        4  Nancy  Pandas    1   lunch  150.5

        print('---2. create pivot for drill down   ---')

        df2 = pd.pivot_table(df,'tip',['store','name'],['day','time'])
                  day        1               2
                  time  dinner  lunch  dinner  lunch
        store  name
        Amber  Carey    315.0  110.0    215.0  150.5
               Michael    NaN  310.0    315.0  110.5
        Pandas Joe      420.5  250.5    120.5  110.5
               Nancy    320.5  150.5    220.5  410.5

        print('----     end of test  -------')

11. Combining dataframes

        import pandas as pd
        df1 = pd.DataFrame([[11,12],[21,22]], columns = ['A', 'B'])
        df2 = pd.DataFrame([[31,32],[41,42]], columns = ['A', 'B'])

        df12 = df1.append(df2, ignore_index = True)
        print('df12 = ' + str(df12))
             A   B
        0  11  12
        1  21  22
        2  31  32
        3  41  42

        df12x =pd.concat([df1, df2], ignore_index = True)
        print(' df12x = ' + str(df12x))    # the same
                print('------------------- test merge -----------------------')
                import pandas as pd
                print('------  workers ------------------------------')
                workers = pd.DataFrame([{'name': 'Joe','emp_id': 12,'rate': 15.50},
                                        {'name': 'Emi','emp_id': 35,'rate': 20.10}])
                   emp_id name  rate
                0      12  Joe  15.5
                1      35  Emi  20.1
                print('-----  works ------------------')
                works = pd.DataFrame([{'id': 12,'hours': 24},
                                      {'id': 35,'hours': 41}])
                   hours  id
                0     24  12
                1     41  35
                print('-----   merge ---------------------')
                m = pd.merge(workers, works, left_on='emp_id', right_on='id').drop('id',axis=1) 
                   emp_id name  rate  hours
                0      12  Joe  15.5     24
                1      35  Emi  20.1     41
                print('------------   end -- test 3----------------------------')

12. Data Cleanup

    # ---  senario-1 --------------------------------------  
    # --- mydogs.csv-----
    Joy, 1, 45.9
    Happy, 3
    Happy, 1, 11.1
    Joy, 3
    Happy, 2, 10.5
    Joy, 2, 43.1

    # --- python code ----
    import pandas as pd 
    print('---   data with missing values ----')
    dogs= pd.read_csv('mydogs.csv')
    name  month  weight
    0    Joy      1    45.9
    1  Happy      3     NaN
    2  Happy      1    11.1
    3    Joy      3     NaN
    4  Happy      2    10.5
    5    Joy      2    43.1
    print('----- solution: fill 0  -----------')  
    dogs['weight'].fillna(0, inplace=True)
    name  month  weight
    0    Joy      1    45.9
    1  Happy      3     0.0
    2  Happy      1    11.1
    3    Joy      3     0.0
    4  Happy      2    10.5
    5    Joy      2    43.1

    # ---  senario-2 ---------------------------------------------  
    # --- my_expenses.csv-----
    item,          amount       Weekday
    misc,           50.10        Mon
    foods,         120.99        Wed
    haircut,        20.55        Thurs
    dinner,         99.99        Sun
    ,               15.00        Sun
    misc,          100.50        Sat

    # ---python code -----
    import pandas as pd 

    print('---   data with missing values -------------')
    expenses= pd.read_csv('my_expenses.csv')
        item             amount       Weekday
    0     misc                 50.10        Mon
    1    foods                120.99        Wed
    2  haircut               20.55        Thurs
    3   dinner                 99.99        Sun
    4      NaN                 15.00        Sun
    5     misc                100.50        Sat

    print('----- solution:   fill them with reasonable values -----------')

    expenses['item'].fillna(value='misc', inplace= True)
        item             amount       Weekday
    0     misc                 50.10        Mon
    1    foods                120.99        Wed
    2  haircut               20.55        Thurs
    3   dinner                 99.99        Sun
    4     misc                 15.00        Sun
    5     misc                100.50        Sat
    print('------- end of test  -------------')


13. List Comprehension

        print('---  1. prepare a dataframe')
        import pandas as pd
        data = {'product': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'],
                'id': [1, 2, 3, 4],
                'hourly_pay': [35.50, 16.50, 17.50, 120.50]}
        df = pd.DataFrame(data)
            product  id  hourly_pay
        0       A   1        35.5
        1       B   2        16.5
        2       C   3        17.5
        3       D   4       120.5
        print('--- 2. Using list comprehension and a function to convert a list ---')
        def myfunc(p):
            if p < 100:
                return p * 1.1
                return p

        new_hourly_pay = [myfunc(p)  for p in df['hourly_pay']] 
        print('---  3. add a new column  ------------')
        df['new_hourly_pay'] = new_hourly_pay
            product  id  hourly_pay  new_hourly_pay
        0       A   1        35.5           39.05
        1       B   2        16.5           18.15
        2       C   3        17.5           19.25
        3       D   4       120.5          120.50
        print('--- or    4.  update ------------------')
        #df['hourly_pay'] = new_hourly_pay

14. method iterrows

        import pandas as pd

        print('-----   1. create df -------------')
        df = pd.DataFrame({
            'type': ['A', 'B', 'C'],
            'price': [11.11, 22.22, 33.33],
            'quantity': [2, 4, 3]
        df.set_index('type', inplace=True)          
                price  quantity
        A     11.11         2
        B     22.22         4
        C     33.33         3

        print('----    2. Using method iterrows to iterate each row ---')
        total_amts = []
        for index, row in df.iterrows():
            amt = row['price'] * row['quantity']
        df['total_amt'] = total_amts       # add a column
                price  quantity  total_amt
        A     11.11         2      22.22
        B     22.22         4      88.88
        C     33.33         3      99.99


15. code visual studio for python