Swift version on my Mac
Variable Type from Assignment Statment
Declare a variable - var, let
var s: String
s = "hello"
s = "hello again" // if you use let, not var, it means a constant.
function - passing parameter - one parameter name
func myFunction(p: String){ // parameter name: type print("p = \(p)") // parameter name for both func definition and its usage. } myFunction(p: "Spring time in Blue Hill, Massachusetts in 2017") // parameter name: value object
function - passing parameter - two parameter names
func myFunction(myFirstDogName d: String){ print("my first dog name is \(d)") } myFunction(myFirstDogName: "Tairo")
function - passing parameter - no external parameter name
func myFunction(_ d: String){ print("my second dog name is \(d)") } myFunction("Emi")
// your code var contents = ["part 1" : "intro", "part 2" : "Swift Optional"] contents.updateValue("Swift type", forKey: "part 2") // forKey is a external parameter contents // method definition in Swift standard library func updateValue(_ value: Value, forKey key: Key)
You can test the above 3 experiments, using the same overloading function name, myFunction.
class - init, properties, methods, class inheritance
When a func is in class, It is a method, not function.
// code snippet for this demo class Employee { let firstName: String let lastName: String init(firstName: String, lastName: String){ self.firstName = firstName self.lastName = lastName } func introSelf(greeting: String) -> String{ let message = greeting + firstName return message } } let employee1 = Employee(firstName: "Peter", lastName: "Kao") employee1.introSelf(greeting: "My name is ")
background// not optional // After you instantiate a class Dog object with its dog name class Dog{ dogName: String = "Tairo" } let dog1 = Dog() print(dog1.dogName) // You see Tairo // Forced Optional ! // The object is possilby not created, the value is nil. // for technical reason, I am certain, it is created. // one example is the a ui label created from XCode as below: // @IBOutlet weak var label: UILabel! class Dog{ dogName: String! = "Tairo" } let dog1 = Dog() print(dog1.dogName!) // You see Tairo, the same, with ! or without !
// 1. define two classes class EmployeeDescription{ var short: String var long: String? var extraLong: String? init(p_short: String){ self.short = p_short } } class Employee{ var empName: String var homePhoneNo: String? var description: EmployeeDescription? var address: String? init(p_empName: String){ self.empName = p_empName //self.description = p_desc } } // 2.1 create class EmployeeDescription, and set one property var emp1Desc = EmployeeDescription(p_short: "Peter likes Swift language.") emp1Desc.long = "Peter has two dogs." // 2.2 test emp1Desc.short emp1Desc.long emp1Desc.extraLong // 3.1 create class Employee, and set two optional properties var emp1 = Employee(p_empName: "Peter") emp1.homePhoneNo = "111-222-3333" emp1.description = emp1Desc // 3.2 test emp1.empName emp1.homePhoneNo emp1.address emp1.description?.short emp1.description?.long emp1.description?.extraLong // 4. test and extract the data at one assignment statement // if the value is nil, return false // then, the code must responds accordingly if let temp1 = emp1.address{ temp1 } else { print("address is nil") // output nil } if let temp2 = emp1.homePhoneNo{ print(temp2) // output 111-222-3333 } else { print("homePhoneNo is nil") } if let temp3 = emp1.description?.long{ print(temp3) }else{ print("long desciption is nil") // output Peter has two dogs } if let temp4 = emp1.description?.extraLong{ print(temp4) }else{ print("extra long desciption is nil") // output nil }
more code snippets
// 1. print wrapped object let s: Int? // decare this is optional s = 50 // assign a value to create an object print(s) // print an unwrapped object, Optional(50), print(s!) // forced unwrapping, the outpust is 50 // 2. In this demo, the optional operators ?, ! are on object values, not type. var w: String? = "hello" print(w) // Optional("hello") var uw = w! print(uw) // hello var w2: String? = uw print(w2) // Optional("hello") // 3. relation is "HAS", not inheritace. If there is a chain for classes, the relationship is not inheritance. Like the previous exampe, class Employee may has a class EmployeeDescription or not.
Any, cast, optional casts
// 1. setup the lab class Dog{ let name: String init(name: String){ = name } } class Puppy: Dog{ var hobby: String init(para: String, hobby: String){ self.hobby = hobby super.init(name: para) } } var dog = Dog(name: "Emi") // Emi var puppy = Puppy(para: "Tairo", hobby: "play") // Tairo puppy.hobby // play puppy is Puppy // true puppy is Dog // true // 2. up cast let up1 = puppy as Dog // up cast, no optional operator needed, always ok let up2 = puppy as AnyObject // up cast let up3 = puppy as Any // up cast // 3.1 down cast - optional, unsuccessful cast //let down1 = obj1 as? Puppy if let down1 = dog as? Puppy { print("the puppy is \(down1)") }else{ print("cast fail, it is not a puppy") // cast fails, it is not a puppy } // 3.2. down cast - forced optional // let down2 = dog as! Puppy app crash if forced cast // 3.3 down cast - optional, success cast // There are many reasons for up cast, maybe from some libraries. // Here, the demo is limited for technical point. var arr: [Any] = [111, 9.99, "hello", puppy] if let down2 = arr[3] as? Puppy { print("the puppy's hobby is \(down2.hobby)") // the puppy's hobby is play }else{ print("cast fail, it is not a puppy") }
down cast example in ios
Any example in ios
function - passing parameter - closure
Like Javascript, you can pass function parameter with function. It is called closure.
let names = ["Tairo", "Emi", "Joy", "Wiwi", "Buddy", "Tiger"] let namesPrefixT = names.filter({(dog: String) -> Bool in return dog.characters.count < 5 }) print(namesPrefixT) // ["Emi", "Joy", "Wiwi]
* dog is one item in the array.
description of Array's method, filter
Returns an array containing, in order, the elements of the sequence that satisfy the given predicate.
In this example, filter is used to include only names shorter than five characters.
REST service request example
let session = URLSession(configuration: config)
let task = session.dataTask(with: urlRequest, completionHandler: { (data, response, error) in
// the closure is the callback to handle data from the service...
// note: the task is executed asynchronously, not in UI thread
Description for URLSession's method dataTask:
Creates a task that retrieves the contents of a URL based on the specified URL request object, and calls a handler upon completion.
closure with short hand syntax
The syntax can be complex, I just copy sample code skeleton. One example is listed as below:
let names = ["Tairo", "Emi", "Joy", "Wiwi", "Buddy", "Tiger"] let sNames = names.sorted{$0 < $1} print(sNames) // ["Buddy", "Emi", "Joy", "Tairo", "Tiger", "Wiwi"] let rsNames = names.sorted{$0 > $1} print (rsNames) // ["Wiwi", "Tiger", "Tairo", "Joy", "Emi", "Buddy"]
// function argument using closure names.forEach {dogName in print(dogName) // output dog name per line } // for in Swift language construct for dogName in names{ print(dogName) // output dog name per line }
import Foundation // needed for JSONSerialization func createTuple() -> (String, Int){ //step 1, simulate get a json data from a REST service, // and populate it into a JSON object in Swift let jsonObject: [String: Any] = [ "name": "Tairo", "weight": 30 ] let validJSON = JSONSerialization.isValidJSONObject(jsonObject) //true //step 2, extract the json data let name = jsonObject["name"] let weight = jsonObject["weight"] // step 3, create a tuple, and return it return (name as! String, weight as! Int) } func useTuple(){ let (name2, weight2) = createTuple() // no collection name for the tuple is needed print("name2 = \(name2)") // output Tairo print("weight2 = \(weight2)") // output 30 } useTuple()
// Dictionary example var dog: [String: Any] //key type: value type dog = ["name": "Tairo", "weight": 30] dog["name"] dog["weight"] // Array of Distionary, like sql row data var dogs : [[String: Any]] dogs = [["name": "Tairo", "weight": 30],["name": "Emi", "weight": 29] ] dogs[0]["name"] dogs[0]["weight"] dogs[1]["name"] dogs[1]["weight"] // note: Both array and dictionary use [], their usages and meanings are different.
Protocal, Delegate